V had a goal to run this years 12km Sunday Mail City-Bay Fun Run in under 55 minutes, which would be breaking her PB by almost 5 minutes. I told her if she ran it under 55 minutes she could have $20 as a reward for beating her goal. Unfortunately for V, she would have been $20 richer if she had of just ran 0.01 of a second faster! She ran it in exactly 55.00 minutes. Fortunately for her, I'm feeling generous.
For the 4th year in a row, she won her age category. If that wasn't enough, she also beat the 10 & 11 year old boys and the 11-15 year old girls. She ran a few seconds slower than the 16 year old girl.
Next year they are running the race twice, in April the first Bay-City will run.